Sandwiched in between news of the Congolese rebel army that's currently storming towns and sending UN peacekeeping forces packing, and a story on the increasing tensions between Iraq's newly (semi) independent government and the USA was
this new low in journalistic tedium. The headline reads 'Smoke from car in Afghan capital spreads blast fear'. And that's exactly what the story says, in more or less as many lines. There was a car that broke down or something, and it started making a lot of smoke, so some people came to look, thinking it could have been a suicide bombing. But it wasn't. It was just a car, with a bit of smoke. They probably thought it was really stupid to think it was a suicide bombing when they hadn't heard any explosions, or seen any blood, or by virtue of the fact that the car was intact, with just a bit of smoke coming out from under the hood.
You'd think Afghanistan's present situation would give the prospective reporter something more to work with than a broken down car. The article itself mentions that suicide bombings often happen in Afghanistan. Why not start there?
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