The entire city seems to have shut down. LSE has cancelled all lectures and seminars, and I think the phone lines at SOAS have actually shut down cause I can't even get through to find out what's going on there.

And what's more, it's still snowing! Experts say that they love spending time with their loved ones on snow-days. So if you're reading this and it's actually still snowing outside, then go outside and make a fucking snow angel, or throw a snowball, or bury your dead.
Seriously, a snow-day would solve all of Sri Lanka's problems.
Pictures from outside your window. Good effort George, good effort.
look berto. People were actually throwing snow-balls at me in the street, so I feared to take a camera outside. It's like the Cold War out here. Literally.
Oh you pussy. You should have seen the snowball fight in Library Square at Queen Mary. It was in-fucking-sane.
The snow in East London was 30 centimetres deep. It was literally the best day of my life. I've never been so happy.
We had a snowpocalypse here just before Christmas, and it was similarly magical. EVERYTHING was snowed in and no one could get in or out of any of the cities, so all you could possibly do was throw snowballs. It should happen more often.
The world would simply be a better place.
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