Just to do away with any unrealistic pretence that Minister of Equal Oppo- rtunities Mara Carfagna (pictured left), and Minister of Education Maria Stella Gelmini (below), are anything but leering posts for the men of the Italian parliament, Berlusconi today announced that in the absence of his ex-wife Veronica Lario, Miss Carfagna and Miss Gelmini will be showing the wives of the G8 heads of state around Rome. While the men (and German demi-woman Angela Merkel) take care of the important business.
Miss Carfagna, an ex-topless showgirl, has long been a paragon of the Italian parody of "equal opportunities", and in a country where the majority of 18-year-old girls' greatest ambition is to become a topless showgirl ("velina"), it stands to reason that she would be picked for the role. But of course, she should remember that whatever ministerial position she may occupy in the government, she is first and foremost a woman, and as the most attractive woman Berlusconi has regular access to now, it's only natural that she reverts to the role of surrogate housewife.
Where before I had sympathy for Miss Carfagna, I now have nothing but contempt. If she valued any part of her dignity as a human being, she would refuse and resign. But she won't, will she? Well, let's just hope she wears white, like all other domestic appliances.

An old divan with an even older woman leaning over it. Literally as good as Italian politics gets.
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