One of the most interesting things about the current panic, apart from the fact that we're all going to die squealing while the pigs laugh in mocking human tones (which is admittedly quite interesting), is that you can literally see the panic spreading by refreshing newspages online and seeing words like "concern" become "worry", and finally "terror"
You can even see it in the responses of the experts and administrators who we look to for guidance when mutated strains of hybrid pig-virus start leaking across our borders.
Richard Besser(Head of the Centres for Disease Control): "As we look for more cases of swine flu, we are seeing more cases of swine flu. We expect to see more cases of swine flu."
Keiji Fukuda (WHO assistant director general): "The situation is fluid and the situation continues to evolve."
and also
Sandra Mournier-Jack (London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene): "We should be, in a way, more alarmed, but at the same time we shouldn't panic because there a lot of things we don't know about this disease at the moment."
God help us all.
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