Monday, 8 December 2008

The New Original Politic Blunder!

You might be thinking, what has your Politic Blunder correspondant been doing for the past 6 hours? Why was he not covering such juicy headlines as "Abandoned Tower sows dismay in Riverdale, NY", or "Belgian car dealer offers 2-for-1 offer on cars" before they were snapped up by young pretenders New York Times and Reuters? What price idleness?!

My time was well spent. A Politic Blunder now has a slightly modified look! Among the more prominent changes are different (hopefully more readable) fonts and colours and a new sidebar widget so that I can keep track of the names and nationalities of people visiting my blog. Also, the now-famous Politic Blunder banner photo of me has now been justified to the right considerably. My position on the banner will denote, in real time, my current political stance on the left-right axis. I ask you to note that although I appear to be on the right at the moment, I am in fact on my left. The opposite rule applies when I appear on the left, making the banner a questionable gauge of my particular politics. 

Forthcoming: A fuller feature on the Mumbai terrorist attacks and their implications, and a gallery of aborted blog templates that I could have inflicted on you.


Sly said...

Nice, it's a lot easier on the eyes now.