Totally worth publishing the worst quality picture of Bush in motion this blog has ever seen (left), the by now
ubiquitous story of how Iraqi reporter Muntazer al-Zaidi threw a shoe at lame-duck president Bush
prima facie very funny. The story is even funnier if you take a look at the wider shot. The fact that Mr. al-Zaidi threw
both shoes, the first while running and the second without pause is very, very funny. Also funny are the juxtaposed responses from the Iraqi government, which called it a "barbaric and ignominious act" that "insults the Iraqi state"; and from Mr. al-Zaidi's brother, Usain, who said "Thanks be to God, Muntazer's act fills Iraqi hearts with pride."
Less funny are the jokes everyone else is making about "bringing a whole new meaning to duck and cover!" and "shoe-do!". But that's no big surprise.
Nonsense. He kinda stopped after the first shoe. I'm more impressed that he was able to get off both shots.
Yeah it was pretty seamless, is what I meant. He bent down after he threw the first shoe, so I'm suspecting he actually had both shoes on, and took them off one by one to throw. It'd disappoint me if he was like, carrying them in his hand or something.
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