'My conscience has told me that I cannot continue to lie to myself or to others, so I wil choose to be bluntly honest:I have in the past committed deeds that are against the rule of the law, and I am willing, for all campaign finance dishonesty from my four elections for mayor and my election for president, to apologise.'
Clearly, though, he expected that an apology is all that is expected from an ex-president guilty of massive corruption and abuse of power. He said sorry! So it evidently came as a huge surprise when instead of the public weepily telling him that they understand his motives and don't blame him at all, the Taiwanese authorities arrested him on charges of massive corruption and abuse of power. An outraged Chen Shui Bian today announced that he would go on a hunger strike to protest 'being put in jail as a sacrifice to appease China'.
This story is only remarkable in that Chen Shui Bian is clearly genuinely offended and baffled as to why he is being arrested and charged, and that he clearly thinks that his apology was punishment enough for stealing and laundering over $31 million. This kind of culture among ruling elites obtains elsewhere, too. In June this year the Italian pig-farm that makes our laws passed a legislation that gave the top four positions in Italian government immunity from prosecution. This dovetails nicely with PM Berlusconi's keen interest in evading prosecution for massive corruption, abuse of power, mafia connections, and accessory to murder. It's good to see that in Taiwan at least, the people are still green enough to the concept of democracy that they are willing to 'besiege the president's office' and demand their money back.
In tomorrow's news: Chen Shui Bian announces that he will 'hold his breath really hard until you drop the charges.'
He'll probably just pretend amnesia. He'll just look around and shout "Who are you? Why am I being restrained? I demand an explanation!!"
Alright, Giorgio, I think it's time for a retaliatory strike. All the readers of this blog should hold their breaths until he's given the death penalty.
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